Tea time happens far too often in my garden. In fact, I stop to ponder the day's affairs in the raised beds and leafy messes all around me, while sitting in a sun-speckled spot sipping my tea. I always have an eye out for interesting pots, and tea cosies, as well. And I collect teacups and saucers at every opportunity. There are certain rituals and routines that I have come to enjoy in my forties, and tea is an absolute favourite.
There is a degree of comfort in a pot of tea: how warm it is, how wholesome it looks, and how welcoming it smells. I drink different teas in different ways: some with milk and some without, but all are ritualistic in an essentially calming way. A busy mind will not easily want to settle down long enough to ponder the prettiness of a bud, or the solution to a blight. But pop a pot of tea on and you immediately tell my brain to sit the muck down, and smell the Five Roses?!? Heehee... South Africans will get that one!

You may not be into a spot of tea, but find your peace and bliss, and bring that ritual into your daily life. We need to slow down. I rarely drink tea at work. Mostly because I never bring my teacup and saucer with me, but also because work leaves little time for such healing rituals. Come summer, I may take to keeping iced jasmine tea in my flask, or even better, my newly discovered chrysanthemum tea! But it really isn't the same as sitting down to pour from a pot into a waiting cup and saucer. Most of my tea cups are from my late granny and darling old aunties who have passed on. I think of them every time I take the crockery from the shelves. It is a wonderful salute to strong women who have shown me nothing but unconditional love. Perhaps that is why I enjoy the ritual so much; it is as if I am celebrating them everyday. And celebrate, we should! Life is like a leaf on the breeze, just passing through; sometimes to linger a little longer and then be on her way. And when she is in our company, we must dance, celebrate and pray with hearts full of joy. And when you drink tea, it is a most joyous ritual...almost like a prayer of gratitude. Take time today to practice patience with yourself: be not too rushed; ready your tea pot, boil the water, find a place to settle your mind in readiness for a celebration of your soul. Make it as pretty as you want. We must take beauty in. Everyday. And perhaps when we see ourselves again, we will recognize the giver, the keeper, the grower, the reaper, that vessel of Life, that passing leaf dancing in the breeze; and we may smile at this beautiful miracle. And perhaps, we may drink more tea.
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